Issues With Interacting, A Tale Of Meshes

 Hello everyone!

This week my biggest struggle came from my interaction system that I had implemented earlier in the week.  When I first put it in, I only had the nexus that the player could interact with and it was working great! The nexus would light up when the player could interact with it.

Once I tried to implement the same component into the buildable towers, that's when weird things started to occur.  Every time I would get in range to interact with a tower, the game would crash and I couldn't understand what was going on.

It didn't make sense to me how I was getting an access violation from code that worked with the nexus.  I decided to investigate by using breakpoints within Visual Studio, and what I found was even more confusing.  

After adding the InteractableHit to the FocusedObjects TArray, when trying to call OnFocus() the 'this' object became NULL!  I had no idea what was going on.  I decided to look at the OnFocus() function that I was calling and immediately the issue was clear:

I was only grabbing the Static Mesh component and the towers are Characters so they don't have a Static Mesh!  Since I couldn't find a GetComponentsByClass method, I had opted to just grab the Static Mesh by itself.  After some quick documentation research I discovered the GetComponents method was the one I was looking for.  The new code works like a charm and looks like this:

Thanks for tuning in this week, and I hope to see you again next week!

Corbin Mein


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