The struggle of not Understanding AI

This week, my objective was to craft a turret for my Tower Defense project. Little did I anticipate the labyrinth of challenges that awaited me. What initially seemed like a straightforward task to complete within a span of eight hours turned into a series of sleepless nights. I embarked on the journey with the intention of coding just a few simple lines to grant my Tower the ability to swiftly detect and engage enemies. Yet, as I delved deeper, attempting to imbue it with manual functionalities, I encountered an unexpected hurdle. Upon converting the code into a blueprint and integrating it with the model, my creation failed to perform as intended, resembling nothing more than a stoic golem staring blankly back at me.

    It was only through the guidance of a classmate that I stumbled upon the concept of Behavior Trees, leading to a pivotal realization: my AI lacked the rationale to maneuver or retaliate against adversaries, with its detection mechanisms sorely outdated. And thus, dear readers, I find myself once again immersed in the intricate process of refining my Tower's ability to aim and fire at incoming threats. Yet, amidst these challenges, I find solace in the fact that progress is being made, and momentum is steadily building.

Author: Guilherme D. Silva


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