Why wont they, Stop shooting dead things!

 Guilherme Silva

 This week, I've been feeling like I've made minimal progress. I've been focused on resolving a few bugs that I inadvertently introduced into the project. Currently, my turrets are targeting and shooting at objects that are already dead, and despite my efforts, I can't seem to rectify this issue. I'm hesitant to simply remove their death animation and opt for them to explode instead, as it feels like a shortcut rather than a proper solution.

For now, I've decided to take a step back from tackling these turret issues. Next week, I intend to shift my focus towards finalizing the game loop to incorporate a win condition. Additionally, I aim to inject some narrative elements into our game by developing a tutorial that explains the gameplay mechanics and objectives in detail. This should provide players with a better understanding of how to engage with our game effectively.


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